Day Twenty Two: Cookie Day and Second Friendmas!

The day started bright and early with Mom and I grabbing a few more last minute things before the baking began! Ground almonds is always a tough ingredient to find but we had success after only a couple location stops! Once we were home the work began and we got busy baking! 3 different cookies again this year and we only burned one batch! And even then we tasted them and they still tasted great!

After the madness of baking was done I tried to get a bit of work done and do my invoices for work but I could tell it was going to take me a bit of time so I got myself changed and ready for Friend-mas #2!

My friend made hot buttered rum and it was seriously incredible! We tried something like it when we went to a pumpkin farm together and so she was trying to make our own version and I can 100% say it was even better than the first one we tried! So delicious! We played with my godson for a bit and then it was time to eat! We ordered the festive special and it was just perfect - we put the Grinch on in the background and just ate and talked and it was great.

After dinner and the baby’s bedtime it was time for some grown-up fun and it was so nice to just sit and chat and laugh and not have anywhere to be but right there in that moment - such a wonderful night with people I love. I feel very lucky to have such a loving and caring second family.

Dad drove me home with a car full of goodies to prepare for Christmas at my place - food, gifts and baking equipment were all in tow and taking over my kitchen. Once I get my place cleaned up and vacuumed it’s going to start looking even more like Christmas in here! So I finished the night with some blog catch up by the tree before heading to bed for hopefully a great night’s sleep!

Let’s see if we can make the most of the next two days of joy!



Day Twenty-Three - Cleaning Day and Wrapping Gifts


Day Twenty-One - Last Day Teaching and Late Night Embroidery