A Year in Review: 2022

Dear friends we have made it another 365 days. You did it. You are amazing. No matter how amazing or hard this year was, even if all you did was survive it - you did it.

It’s time for my annual year in review - it’s been an interesting one to say the least. In my year in review for 2021 I promised myself it would be a year of ideas not plans. And I think I followed through on that front. This year was not boring and when I look back on it, it was one of the best years I’ve had in a while.

In 2022 I came close to quitting my job, I stepped back into an old role at work, I started medication for my depression and anxiety and started to feel myself again. I found love and lost it, I made memories with friends and saw the ocean. I saw my best friend shine on stage, I ate good food and I held myself and healed through words.

The theme for this year? Standing up for what I deserve, whether it’s asking for my needs to be met and refusing to let someone tell me I am asking for too much or allowing myself to sleep an entire day. I will strive to be the best version of myself and I will always ask others around me for the same. And I will not feel guilty. And you know what? I have very few regrets looking back on this year. I have done some amazing things for myself - I am so proud of myself. I hope that you are and you have too.

So what’s next for 2023? I haven’t felt up to resolutions in the last few years but I think I’m finally ready to make some general ones. If you know me, you know I like to keep it realistic, and set myself up for success. So this year here’s what I’m aiming for:

  1. Take the first steps towards publishing my own writing

  2. Read at least 5 books this year (it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to escape into the world of books)

And those are my two goals. My theme for this upcoming year? Good question. Joy. Bring on the joy. Let’s take 24 Days of joy and make 365. I want to savor. Looking back on my depression from Jan-April, I remember the distance between me and the sunlight on my face. Now…now I can feel the warmth. I can feel it sinking into my skin. My heart feels ache and my heart feels love and my heart feels fullness. My heart feels again and I’m going to keep letting it feel. Because even if there is sadness and heartache I will would rather share love with that than not feel any of it at all.

So that’s all I have for you for now. What will you be bringing with you into 2023? Are you making plans? Are you just going to see where you end up? Let me know in the comments. We’ll see what’s next for me but in the meantime here is my year in review…


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